Week 1: What a crazy week!

Hello everyone! Holy moly what a week it has been! Thank you all for the love and support that you guys have given me! I have needed it! This week we finally made it to England on Thursday morning at about 7:30 am England time. (12:30am Utah time, 25 hours later than we were originally supposed to land) after traveling and literally being exhausted, we landed in Manchester and we were picked up by two of the MTC workers! It was so nice to see people who could handle things for us instead of us having to figure out how to get to where we were going all on our own! We drove to the MTC and man that was the scariest drive of my life! Getting used to driving on the left side of the road has been so scary! They don't have intersections in England!  It's all roundabouts! So it was so scary too! 

We finally got to the MTC and first thing we did was a mini orientation, we got out name tags and companions! My Companions name is Elder Reeder from pleasant view Utah! He's great! Then we were thrown into class (after already not sleeping for 48 hours) and we tried to catch up to all the other elders in our district who had been there 24ish hours longer than me and my companion! And I'm not even gonna lie, I don't remember anything that was said because I was SO sleep deprived by the time I got to go to bed at 9 that night! (Over 12 hours after I landed in England) 

The next couple days were so so so so difficult. Because of how exhausted I was. We were thrown into teaching fake lessons to our "investigator" who is just one of my teachers, Elder Hunter, pretending to be someone that he baptised on his mission (yes baptised, not baptized, that's how they spell it in England). And studying our hearts out! You study so much here! Its all work work work! The best way i have heard it described to me is that the MTC is like drinking from a fire hydrant. You try to drink as much water as you can, but for the most part you just get hit in the face. Haha its hard work, but I'm starting to get used to it. Because of how exhausted and overwhelmed I was, everything felt AWFUL and I was miserable the first couple of days I was here. 

And then I finally made it to Sunday. And I'm telling you, Sunday's are were it's at in the MTC! The meetings were SOOOOOOOO spiritual. Literally those meetings were for me! Every single one of my prayers about my worries, fears, doubts, loneliness, etc. We're answered! Those meetings were inspired just for me! I felt so so so much better after Sunday! So future missionaries, if you're reading this! All you have to do is make it  to the first Sunday! It'll help so much!

Yesterday, I felt the best I have felt so far, I was happy, and the day went by quick! I am glad to be learning such amazing things! It's great! I feel the spirit strongly here! And because this place is small, I think it's easier for the spirit to be here! It's not as chaotic.

 So that's where I'm at now. All should be okay! Just keep emailing me and cheering me on! We are allowed to read emails all week! And emails from you guys really REALLY make it feel not so bad and make it easier for me to focus (just knowing you guys are thinking about me and supporting me) so keep emailing!!

Now I will tell you a bit about the MTC because of all your questions! Just so that you guys get an idea of what it is like!

1. My district has 6 kids from Utah, one from England, one from South Africa, one from Australia, and one from California! We spend all day making fun of each others accents because there is such a variety in how we all talk.

2. We have determined there is no such thing as swear words. They all use words that are SO inappropriate In America, that aren't in their countries and visa versa

3. One of my MTC teachers is from Scotland, the other from Ireland. So we are all picking up those accents  and not British ones

4. The food is about half English half American, they kind of make American food here, but they don't make it right and it's bland. But it's good enough

5. There is only a total of 62 missionaries currently in the MTC  so it is TINY!

6. My MTC president is from Vegas, and he is awesome! We interact with him daily because this place is so small!

7. Yes I do get to go to the temple!  In fact I'm doing an endowment session today! 

Now onto the things I have learned about England:

1. If there is an emergency you dial 999 not 911

2. Their police cars and ambulances sound similar to ours, but much higher pitched, the best way to describe it is like children's ambulance or police car toys (if that makes sense).

3. Utahn's think our weather is temperamental, but it's nothing compared to England

4. It's called a pressup here. Not a pushup

5. Most British people are about as grumpy as everyone thinks they are

6. There is a switch next to every single outlet no matter what, its kinda annoying when you plug something in and forget to flip the switch on.

7. Like I said above, it's Baptised, authorised, sanitised, etc. Not baptized, authorized, sanitized

Well that's about it! I love you all so so much!  Please keep emailing and supporting! Thank you all for everything you have done! I'll talk to you all soon! If you have questions, send them my way.  I will have time to answer! 

-Elder Eric Evans

A view of the temple steeple

His desk


In front of the Preston England Temple

The MTC grounds, and his view from his desk.

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