Week 3....Almost

I know what you're all thinking, my email is early this week! And you're right. This week is the week that I finally get to leave the MTC. (after what has already felt like 2 years) I will be leaving Chorley and will be headed for Birmingham Tuesday morning at 7 am, and Tuesday was normally P-day. So our president gave us permission to do our emailing today Instead of on tuesday! So hello everyone!

I must say, I am so so so so so excited to be leaving the MTC. Of course, I'm super nervous too, but I am mostly excited. Because honestly I HATE the MTC haha! The drive to Birmingham is about 2 hours long! So it won't be that bad! I'm sure I'll get to the point that I start to struggle again, but I know I'll be okay now. The MTC definitely was such a learning and humbling experience for me. Even though I really hated every second, I know without it that I wouldn't be as effective of a missionary so I am thankful for it. I'm also so thankful for the relationships that I have built here in the MTC, I love my district so much and I consider all of them some of my closest friends In the world! I am lucky to be serving with every single one of them in Birmingham so I am sure we will get to see each other quite a bit while we are out there in the field, applying everything that we learned to Teach repentance and baptise converts! Haha! I know that all of the missionaries in my district will be amazing missionaries in their own way, and I'm thankful I had them because they got me through the MTC!

This last week in the MTC was a good one. We have still been doing the same things over and over again. It has been so spiritual, and I feel spiritually overloaded here. My testimony has grown so so much! But it has been repetitive and that exhausts you. We wake up, eat, study, excersize, eat, study, study, eat, study, study, and go to bed with exactly 8 hours left until you have to wake up again. It's overwhelming haha! On Thursday of this last week we went on a field trip to go look at some church history In England. When we left I honestly didn't think that there was going to be much church history In England, but there was so much more than I expected! We saw the river ribble, which is the first place that British people were baptised. We also got to go to Preston city center, which is the first place the gospel was preached by missionaries in England! We all stood and pretended to be those missionaries, right where those missionaries preached so so long ago. We saw the first apartment that Gordon B Hinckley lived in when we was in England and we saw the first chapel that Mormons worshiped in. It was such a cool experience. I'll send lots of pictures of it! Other than that it has been a pretty uneventful week! I am excited to get out of here!

So I thought it would be a good idea to list all of the things that I actually enjoyed about the MTC just so that you guys can actually tell that I really did enjoy some things.

1. I'm in England not Provo
2. The MTC is tiny so I am friends with everyone
3. I know the MTC president and his wife very well because of how small it is. Everyone knows them well and talks to them!
4. We get to go to the temple on pday 
5. We have a cool pond outside
6. We see bunnies almost every night right outside by the pond
7. We get to go on cool field trips

So there! Those are my favorite parts about the MTC! I love you all and I am so thankful for you guys! I miss you all so much but I know that a mission is what I need and what I am supposed to be doing! I really have appreciated all the emails and support and love you guys have given me! I will be emailing all day today so if you would like to talk, send me an email! Love you guys!
I'll talk to you when I'm in Birmingham.
Elder Eric Evans 

Pretending to preach in the first chapel that the 
Mormons worshiped in (not an lds chapel)

The house Gordon B. Hinckley was in when he read the letter
 from his father that said "forget yourself and go to work"

The river ribble. Where the first British saints were baptised

Me, elder Reeder, elder johnson, and elder holdaway standing 
where the first missionaries in England taught the gospel

 A memorial sign

The town of Downham selfie

Group picture in that 183757371747 year old chapel (I'm convinced it was so haunted, there was a graveyard on the main area of the chapel. Scary)

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England Birmingham Mission Part 6

On P-day exploring Wolverhampton Hello everyone! This week hasn't been much different then the last. We have been working hard and...